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- 5 Simple Habits To Create A Better You In 2023
5 Simple Habits To Create A Better You In 2023
I’m gonna be honest, I am not the biggest fan of new years resolutions. Why? I believe that if you want to make a change in your life, you should implement it immediately. Life is too short to wait for the next year to come around, especially when it comes to improving your overall health.
The sad reality is that most resolutions won’t make it to February 1st, and if that has been you in prior years, it’s time to flip the switch.
While I am not a believer in resolutions, I am a believer in creating small habits daily that will help improve overall health and wellness. I’m going to keep this short and to the point, and give you 5 dead-simple and actionable daily habits to create for 2023.
So write these habits down in your notes app, put a post-it note on your mirror, or simply get them tattooed on your face…
These 5 habits are TNTs (Takes no talent). They are non-negotiables that anyone can do on a daily basis.
Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon a day of water. This is called the 8×8 rule and is very easy to remember.
Get exposure to the sun within 30 minutes of waking. On days when it’s still dark or if the sky is overcast, use artificial light to get your morning dose of brightness.
Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Some activities can include walking your dog, biking, or light cardio.
Sleep for at least 7-8 hours per night. A lack of proper sleep can lead to weight gain, reduce productivity, and leave you at a greater risk for heart attack and stroke.
Limit processed foods. Processed foods contain a lot of hidden sodium, fats, and sugar that can throw your body out of whack. Whenever possible, eating fresh, REAL food makes a big difference in our general health. So next time you’re choosing what to snack on, opt for the strawberries instead of the pop-tarts.
In conclusion, it's important to prioritize your health and well-being on a daily basis, rather than just setting resolutions for the new year. By adopting these simple but effective habits, you can make significant improvements in your overall health and wellness. Don't wait to start taking care of yourself - make the commitment to implement these habits today and see the positive changes they bring to your life.
Also, if there any are topics or questions related to fitness or overall health that you want me to explore, simply respond directly to this email!
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