This Coffee Secret Will Save Us All

Are you a morning caffeine fiend? You're not alone! Many of us rely on our daily fix to wake up and get going in the morning.

But did you know that science says it may be best to hold off on that morning cup o' joe for at least 90-120 minutes after waking?

Here's the deal

Caffeine helps us feel more energized because it blocks a molecule called adenosine from being absorbed in the brain.

Adenosine is a natural molecule that makes us feel drowsy and ready for sleep as it accumulates in our bodies throughout the day. But when we consume caffeine, it binds to the same receptors as adenosine and blocks its effects, helping us feel more awake and alert.

The catch? These effects are only temporary because caffeine is eventually metabolized and eliminated from the body. This can lead to a crash in energy levels later on in the day, especially in the afternoon.

So, what's the best time to consume caffeine?

It turns out that cortisol, a hormone that makes us feel more alert, plays a role. Cortisol levels naturally peak about two hours after waking and then gradually decline throughout the day as we approach bedtime.

If you introduce caffeine while your cortisol levels are high, you're not getting the full benefits of caffeine. Over time, your body may build up a tolerance to caffeine, reducing its natural production of cortisol. This is why some people who rely on caffeine to start their day may end up needing multiple doses throughout the day just to boost their alertness levels.

I know what you’re thinking, and it can certainly be challenging to change habits, especially if you don't have a new habit to take its place. .

But don't worry, there's a solution!

This is a morning routine that can help you naturally increase your alertness, reset your internal body clocks, and improve your sleep. This routine was developed by Dr. Huberman:

  1. Within 30 minutes of waking, expose your eyes to sunlight for at least 5-10 minutes without sunglasses.

  2. Get at least 10-20 minutes of light exercise within the first hour of waking.

  3. Consume caffeine (if you choose to have it) no earlier than 2 hours after waking, when your cortisol levels peak.


By following a morning routine that includes exposure to sunlight and light exercise, you can naturally increase your alertness and reset your internal body clock, leading to better sleep and improved overall health. And if you still want to enjoy caffeine, try consuming it no earlier than 2 hours after waking, when your cortisol levels peak.

So, the next time you're tempted to chug that coffee as soon as you wake up, try waiting a bit and see if you notice a difference in your energy levels. And if you're feeling adventurous, try experimenting with different times to see what works best for you. Happy caffeinating!