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  • This Plant Helped Our Ancestors Lose Weight, Reduce The Risk Of Cancer, and Lower Blood Sugar Levels

This Plant Helped Our Ancestors Lose Weight, Reduce The Risk Of Cancer, and Lower Blood Sugar Levels

GM. This is the Weekly Wellbeing where we fill your inbox with science-backed health tips that will have you looking better than an alien in a spacesuit.

Here's what we've got for you today:

  • The origins of black seed oil

  • The benefits of taking black seed oil

  • How to consume black seed oil

The Origins of Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil is made by extracting oil from the fruit seeds of the N. Sativa plant.

AKA the plant that has been used for over 2000 years to help with weight loss, preventing cancer, and protecting brain health.

This plant is native to Africa and Southwest Asia, but it is also grown in other places such as the Mediterranean.

This plant has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years and is even referenced in the old testament of the Bible and the book of Isaiah.

The Science-Backed Benefits of Black Seed Oil

1. High In Antioxidants: Black seed oil contains antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage, and can also help with conditions like heart disease, Alzheimer's, and cancer.

Black seed oil is special because it contains a certain antioxidant called thymoquinone which has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

2. May Help Fight Cancer: Black seed oil is believed to have properties that can help treat cancer. Studies have shown that certain chemicals in black seed oil can decrease the growth of tumor cells.

Research also suggests that it can help kill cancer cells in the blood, breast, and brain. Additionally, studies have shown that it can also prevent the development of pancreatic cancer.

3. Aids Weight Loss: Studies have found that black seed oil can be highly effective as a natural remedy for weight loss.

Other studies have also found that taking a black seed supplement can lower body weight and decrease body mass index and waist circumference without any serious side effects.

4. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Studies have shown that black seed oil has powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

According to a review of 10 studies, consuming black seed oil may reduce multiple markers of inflammation while also increasing blood levels of antioxidants. Another review of 12 studies had similar findings, noting that black seed supplements could decrease blood levels of C-reactive protein and malondialdehyde, both of which are indicators of inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

Other Beneficial Use-Cases:

  • Improved Hair Health

  • Improves Blood Sugar Levels

  • Treating Asthma

Taking Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil can be taken as a supplement in pill or liquid form, or used on skin and hair. Look for high-quality, reputable brands and mix the oil with a strong flavor if consumed in liquid form. Here is the one that I am currently taking.


Black seed oil has been found to have various health benefits and by incorporating Black Seed oil into your daily routine, you can get closer to achieving your health and wellness goals.

Quote of the week:

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” – Hippocrates